Thursday, May 3, 2012

Brimstone & Fire

Have you no humiliation for what you did? No compassion for others that you've hurt with your lies and deceit? Are you so devoid of any kind of remorse? Do you show no shame for the wrong that you have done over innocent people who did nothing to you? Is that part that is so deep and dark within you, the evil that holds you, so much stronger than your want to be a good man? Or do you not know what a good man is?  Where is your line that you draw to separate good from bad? Where is the accountability in you for all the wrongs you have committed? Does your God not look upon your ugly face and tell you that your sins lead you astray? The God in your head might in the end forgive a man like you, but the believer in me cannot accept that a good God would allow you into his heaven.
A man like you, so full of lies and deceit, living a devious life, a life full of hypocrisy, insincerity, and trickery, should not exist! Your God or whatever you call him should not forgive you. Your mistakes are calculated, planned, and carefully executed, which means you hold no scruples, no ethical consideration of your actions and words. I feel dreadfully sorry to know that you exist in this world and that I came across such filth! That God could have allowed a creation such as you to walk the land. Could you be the son of Satan and not of God? You are sick in the head, literally (! The evil deeds you've done, the sin that you are, you are a perversion of man. But God will find a way for your punishment, to make sure that you suffer for the suffering you have caused on the innocent and the ones who have helped you in your ongoing miserable life. And when that day comes, I hope your suffering burn through you, a show that only Satan will enjoy. You refuse to live by the unwritten/written laws of man, but your Maker has seen your sins and has followed them all along the way, will judge you accordingly. Your day will come and even you cannot escape that final judgment. Now rap about.
It is in the Authorized King James Bible that we learn the role of brimstone in eternity. Hell and death and all the wicked are going to be cast into the lake of fire that burneth with fire and brimstone (Rev.21:8). This is the second death. We all have to die the first time--sin requires that--but if a person dies without the Lord Jesus Christ, he will die a second time. The end of time is near. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again. Now is the time to get your testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ.


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